Gut brain connection
Our Gastro intestinal tract is home to trillion microbes, about the same number of cells in human body. If
Human body is made of unique interconnected systems where all these systems work together in a harmony to maintain your body’s optimal functioning. Even if one system goes out of order it creates a disharmony among all others. Functional medicine gives us answers to all such problems by identifying and rectifying the condition from its roots. It believes that human bodies are self healing mechanisms, when given the right nutrition and environment the body restores back its efficacy
Our Gastro intestinal tract is home to trillion microbes, about the same number of cells in human body. If
Hormonal changes are a natural and essential part of a woman’s reproductive cycle. Throughout the menstrual cycle, which typically
Food additives creep into our lives through packed food, often disguised as “flavors” or “flavorings” on labels which are